Health & Safety
We are committed to providing and maintaining a healthy and safe working environment for all its staff, customers and anyone who may be affected by its activities. As a company, has made detailed arrangements for the implementation of their health and safety policy as outlined:
- To comply with relevant local health and safety legislation
- To set and maintain high standards of construction and installation safety with an annual review of the set policy defined by Mendu Group.
- To identify hazards, assess risks and implement control procedures
- To ensure that staff, customers and visitors are adequately informed of risks, and where appropriate, receive instruction, training and supervision.
- To document and review risk assessments
- To implement this policy through codes of practice, schedules, guidance notes and training
- To safeguard the environment from the effects of Mendu Group service activities.
- To monitor and review the effectiveness of controls
- To ensure the provision of a trained health and safety coordinator having adequate time, resources and facilities to carry out their responsibilities.
- To ensure that all sites conform to local and national compliance.
- To ensure that all personnel are issued with the necessary safety resources, such as personal protective equipment, and receive appropriate training in order to carry out their functions safely.
Experience and Reputation
We have a broad range experience with many leading manufacturers of Fiber Optics, Data Communication and Microwave equipment